You're probably here because your child is having trouble sleeping through the night. Your baby never seems to nap (is that even a thing?). Your toddler or preschooler is now in a bed and is roaming the house claiming he's not that tired and there are monsters in the closet...ah help!
Getting your baby or toddler to sleep through the night or nap well doesn't have to be a dream! We specialize in infant sleep and toddler sleep; no matter the sleep issue, Strong Little Sleepers is here to help families in Austin, Texas, Nashville, Tennessee and everywhere get the sleep they deserve.
- Stacey S. Boston, MA. - Stacey S. Boston, MA. - Sue S. - Sue S. Laura A. Laura A. – Alyssa T. Austin, Texas – Alyssa T. Austin, Texas Taylor and Matt- Nashville, TN Taylor and Matt- Nashville, TN Grace K. Grace K. Bonner W. - Austin, TX Bonner W. - Austin, TXWe are on our third consecutive week of happy times at our house
Mom to Strong Little Sleeper, Brennan
Mom to Strong Little Sleeper, BrennanHappy and consistent sleeper
Lori is a miracle worker.
New Jersey
Mom to Strong Little Sleeper, Emma
New Jersey
Mom to Strong Little Sleeper, EmmaI am SO glad that we found Lori…
A skeptic from the start, I am still amazed at how well her plan worked.
Mom to Strong Little Sleepers, Parker and Chase
Mom to Strong Little Sleepers, Parker and ChaseExtremely positive and supportive…
Sara’s a witch, but the good kind…
From day one, our daughter was never a good sleeper. We tried everything we could think of, and nothing seemed to improve her sleep. By the time she was 20 months old, we were all exhausted, run down, and constantly sick. Bedtime was a constant source of stress and frustration, and we dreaded the middle of the night wakings. We were pretty skeptical that Sara's suggestions would work, but we were so desperate that we decided to give it a try. It was like magic! Within a couple days she was sleeping 11 hours in her crib without any night time waking. There have been so many amazing results: she knows how to get herself to sleep, there is no drama at bedtime, she sleeps through the night, she naps better, and she is so much happier during the day. Sara helped us understand basis sleep principles that we can continue to implement and even use with future children. We are so grateful for Sara's support (and that we are sleeping)!
Parents to Strong Little Sleeper, J.
Parents to Strong Little Sleeper, J.Great sleep training run with Sara…
Lori was AMAZING!!
Mom to Strong Little Sleeper, B.
Mom to Strong Little Sleeper, B.
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